Update Coming Soon...

Ciao! I'm back!

Sorry it's been a long time. I've been really preoccupied by two games, a dream game of mine and a (bad-ish) horror game . News on the latter coming soon.

Aaaaanyway, I've decided to pick up this project for a little while, might be pretty fun now that I know what I'm doing, lol.

Right now, I'm trying to "Gameboy-ify" the map, trying to make it look more like a Gameboy map and not... whatever it is right now.

But, hey, follow me for updates. I expect a release date of a week...

...okay maybe two weeks.

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Looking forward to seeing the progress :D

Actually, in a couple of days, I'm going to post concepts for areas and even a 10-second sneak peak of the new Impact Site design.

One issue I've run into is the project hates me, so most things are remade from scratch, but it does include my new programming style, which optimized everything, so the final game should run faster.