Pikmin: Demade - Demo Update #8

Hello everybody, it's me, Eli!

I just wanted to say a few things real quick.

Firstly, thank all of you for 3000 views and 700 downloads, very nice, very nice. I do love it when I am supported.

Secondly, development is trudging along very slowly, so please be a bit patient with me. Porting Pikmin 1 to the GBC is no easy task.

Lastly, Development is paused for now. I kind of just want to leave it here until I can improve, and make sure that it's actually good. I would expect me to start it back up Late Fall to Middle of Winter. I really want to work on other projects, and get my name out there! I don't really want to be known as "the guy who ported Pikmin 1 to the GBC."

Thanks for reading, and see you later! Make sure to follow for more updates on this project, and when new ones release!

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I hope you return and finish this game! Or maybe just the Forest of Hope? I think it has a lot of promise. 

I am trying to push out an update, but it's been a bit stressful, but I am trying to make a bug fix update, and it will feature a whistle, just to give a sneak peek.

Maybe I'll also show off the old version of the Forest of Hope map in a video or something, because it's hardly playable.